Thursday, 24 May 2012


Ecuador Expedition 2013 students, parents and teachers are organising Crompton House Summer Fair on Saturday 7th July 11am – 2pm to raise funds. The car wash will run as normal from 9am.

RAFFLE PRIZE draw: We are arranging a big raffle prize draw and would appreciate any donations you can make whether it is a free manicure, haircut or boiler service! If you are able to help us out please contact giving your full details and one of the team will call you back. Tickets will be sent home after half term to sell to families, neighbours and friends.

PROGRAMME: We are putting together a programme which will have all the information on for the fair and will be given to everyone who comes in – a great advertising opportunity for your business! If you are interested in advertising in the programme please contact us on giving your full details and what you require.
The cost will be £25 for a full A5 sheet size advert, £15 for half a page, £10 quarter page. All adverts should be sent to the above email and payment sent to Mr T Ashworth  in school. Cheques should be made payable to Crompton House School.

CAR BOOT SALE: We are also having a car boot sale on the day of the fair in the school grounds on the all weather pitch at a cost of £8 per car/£10 per van/car&trailer. Enquiries or to register your interest please email 

DONATIONS: We would also like to ask for donations of various items for our stalls - tombola items, gift items, bottles, chocolate/sweets, books, bric-a-brac, jewellery etc so please bear this in mind ready to bring in during June.

More details on the Summer Fair to follow but if anyone would be willing to help us on the day please either email us or contact Mr Ashworth in school. For more information on the expedition please see our website blog.

Many thanks for your support.

CH Ecuador Expedition 2013 Fundraisers

TEL: Mr Ashworth: 01706 847451 Ext. 238