
If you do any shopping on line you can earn funds for Crompton House Ecuador Expedition trip by simply going to the website you want via the easyfundraising site, and the Company you are buying from will donate a percentage of the amount you spend to your our fund; shop with over 2000 well known retailers like Amazon, Argos, M&S, eBay and many more. The percentage varies from 1 company to another; e.g. Argos is .75% and Amazon is 2.5% so if lots of us do this it can make quite a difference to our fundraising.

Just go to www.easyfundraising.org.uk, select register and complete the process selecting your cause “Crompton House School Shaw Oldham - Ecuador Trip”


When you have done this you can then select your shop, and will be taken to the same website that you would normally use. All you need to do then is just shop as usual and easyfundraising will credit Crompton House School Shaw Oldham – Ecuador Trip easyfundraising account with the donation.

It is important that whenever you shop you don’t go direct to the shop website but always go through the easyfundraising site first.

It could raise a lot of money for the expedition with very little effort so please support us and help us raise funds.

Click on the link below to go to our cause page on easyfundraising


Thank you