Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Face Painting - Wednesday 14th March 3.45pm

Lorna has booked a face painting workshop for those young people who want to learn a new skill

The tutor for the session is Sue Palfrey from Oldham Integrated Youth Services

The session is 3.45pm to 5.00pm ish on Wednesday 14th March in the 6th Form Centre

Sue is going to teach us how to paint Lions on each others faces at this session (to start with)

It should be a fun session, and a great photo opportunity for our newsletter and our website!

If you want to join in the session then just turn up and be prepared to be transformed into another creature!

If you have any face paints and brushes can you bring them along too please and some make up wipes.

Hope to see you all there! 

Friday, 24 February 2012


If  you do any shopping on line you can earn funds for Crompton House Ecuador Expedition trip by simply going to the website you want via the easyfundraising site, and the Company you are buying from will donate a percentage of the amount you spend to your our fund; shop with over 2000 well known retailers like Amazon, Argos, M&S, eBay and many more. The percentage varies from 1 company to another; e.g. Argos is .75% and Amazon is 2.5% so if lots of us do this it can make quite a difference to our fundraising.

Just go to www.easyfundraising.org.uk, select register and complete the process selecting your cause “Crompton House School Shaw Oldham - Ecuador Trip”

When you have done this you can then select your shop, and will be taken to the same website that you would normally use. All you need to do then is just shop as usual and easyfundraising will credit Crompton House School Shaw Oldham – Ecuador Trip easyfundraising account with the donation.

 It is important that whenever you shop you don’t go direct to the shop website but always go through the easyfundraising site first.

It could raise a lot of money for the expedition with very little effort so please support us and help us raise funds.

Thank you

Thanks to Michelle for setting up the easyfundraising account for us.

Thursday, 23 February 2012

Camps International Workshop

Holly from Camps International is coming to our next meeting on Tuesday 13th March 5.30pm

Holly works on the Fundraising Support Team along with colleague Hattie Shepherd. Their primary role is to support students with their fundraising for their expeditions.

Theyw ill be coming to run a Fundraising Workshop with all students,  parents and teachers. This meeting will allow them to discuss new ideas and potential fundraising events and identify any students who may be struggling so we can offer more specific advice and guidance on how they can get back on track.

It's also a good opportunity for them to chat with parents/carers about how we can best support our children with their fundraising in a non-financial way e.g.helping them write sponsorship letters, using their contacts, assisting with the planning.

So please come along to the workshop on Tuesday 13th March 5.30pm

If you have joined the Camps International Fundraising Advice Team facebook  page you may already know Holly. http://www.facebook.com/groups/129982137048106/ She is a great help to fundraisers so this should be a great support for us all.

Sunday, 19 February 2012

Parents' Meeting - Tuesday 21st February 6.30pm

Just a reminder that the next Parents' Meeting is on Tuesday 21st February 6.30pm, prior to the PTFA meeting.

Saturday, 18 February 2012


Welcome to the Crompton House Ecuador Expedition 2013 website & blog.

You will find up-to-date news and events published.

Events for March & April are:

Quiz Night - Saturday 10th March 7.30pm for 8pm start
Mamma Mia Film Show - Friday 16th March 7.30pm for 8pm start
Sponsored Walk - Saturday 17th March 6am
Mothers Day Dining In night - Saturday 17th March 7.30pm
Lion King Film Show - Saturday 24th March 3pm
Sponsored Bungee Jump - Sunday 15th April 3.30pm
Cake Raffle - Tuesday 17th April - Friday 20th April
"Changing Lives" Music Concert - Friday 20th April 7.30pm
Jubilee Cake Sale - Friday 20th April

For more information check out our events page.

We look forward to seeing you at our events and thank you for your support.
Thank you